Venture into the Alaska of Eastern Canada and hunt in one of Newfoundland’s best-kept secrets.
We take great pride in providing only top-quality service to our clients and presenting them with the opportunity to take home an impressive Eastern Canadian Moose. It is our philosophy that a quality hunt can only be achieved by attention to even the smallest of details. Your hunt, from the initial pick up to the final drop off, is meticulously planned.
A typical day starts in the predawn hours with a hearty breakfast and departure from camp at daybreak. Depending on the weather, physical conditioning and your method of hunting, your guide will have determined where best to focus your hunting efforts. Our territory is made up of just about every type of terrain Newfoundland has to offer. Our flyout hunts are based on the mountains, and are made up primarily of sub-alpine ridges with wooded valleys interspersed. Most of these hunts take place in the open country, where spot-and-stalk is the preferred method of hunting, especially for our rifle hunters. On bad weather days, or if you are a bow hunter, the hunts will focus on the timber or on its fringe. Our lodge based hunt takes place along the shores of Serpentine Lake and forested valley of the meandering Serpentine River.
Because your hunt takes place around the annual rut, calling is very effective. Much of the landscape is covered with “Newfoundland bog,” ideal habitat for big moose but challenging for the hunter. The barren ridges and abundant berry bushes attract many large black bears, so a bear tag in your pocket is a must!
A typical day starts in the predawn hours with a hearty breakfast and departure from camp at daybreak. Depending on the weather, physical conditioning and your method of hunting, your guide will have determined where best to focus your hunting efforts. Our territory is made up of just about every type of terrain Newfoundland has to offer. Our flyout hunts are based on the mountains, and are made up primarily of sub-alpine ridges with wooded valleys interspersed. Most of these hunts take place in the open country, where spot-and-stalk is the preferred method of hunting, especially for our rifle hunters. On bad weather days, or if you are a bow hunter, the hunts will focus on the timber or on its fringe. Our lodge based hunt takes place along the shores of Serpentine Lake and forested valley of the meandering Serpentine River.
Because your hunt takes place around the annual rut, calling is very effective. Much of the landscape is covered with “Newfoundland bog,” ideal habitat for big moose but challenging for the hunter. The barren ridges and abundant berry bushes attract many large black bears, so a bear tag in your pocket is a must!
It is not uncommon for a hunter to see in excess of 20 moose per day (weather permitting), and opportunities for harvesting a trophy animal is quite often a daily occurrence. Both locations boast a 100% success rate on opportunity for moose. Our continuing commitment to managing our concession for big game has resulted in a near-unprecedented liberty to hunt virgin territory for moose that have experienced no hunting pressure. We also frequently rotate hunting locations to avoid over-harvesting.
Our packages include 2 X 1 guiding, meals, accommodations, hunting license, as well as meat and trophy care. Helicopter transportation to and from our spike camps is included in the special Fly-Out Hunt. Bear tags are available for an additional price. 1 X 1 guiding is also available for an additional fee.
Next Ridge Outfitters would be happy to have the pleasure of hosting your quest for a brag-worthy Eastern Canadian Moose.
Two Hunt Style Offerings:
NRO Sportsman's Lodge Hunt
Your week-long hunt will be based out of our Sportsman’s Lodge on picturesque Serpentine Lake, featuring all the amenities: private quarters, on-site chef, indoor plumbing, etc. We use a combination of boats, Argos and good, old-fashioned walking to get you to prime moose-hunting grounds from the lodge. This is an easier hunt physically than our fly-out option. The lodge hunt is ideally suited to groups who wish to have a week away "with the boys", enjoy all the comforts of home while having and excellent opportunity to fill their freezers with high grade organic meat.
NRO Trophy Fly-Out Hunt
Your week-long hunt focuses on trophy moose. To begin, we fly you via helicopter to one of our spike camps. Once there, you will be greeted by your guide, who is assigned to you for your entire week of hunting. These hunts are more physically demanding in nature. .
The flyout option is tailored to those selective hunters that are looking to harvest a Trophy Eastern Canadian Moose. Our spike camps are considered "5-star". Most locations feature wooden platforms with 5-foot hardwalls, custom vinyl tents, generated electricity, wood/oil stoves, bunks, mattresses, hot water on demand and shower facilities. Our food gets rave reviews and many clients say they return home heavier than when they arrived!
Your comfort and safety, even in the backcountry, are of utmost importance to us.
NRO Sportsman's Lodge Hunt
Your week-long hunt will be based out of our Sportsman’s Lodge on picturesque Serpentine Lake, featuring all the amenities: private quarters, on-site chef, indoor plumbing, etc. We use a combination of boats, Argos and good, old-fashioned walking to get you to prime moose-hunting grounds from the lodge. This is an easier hunt physically than our fly-out option. The lodge hunt is ideally suited to groups who wish to have a week away "with the boys", enjoy all the comforts of home while having and excellent opportunity to fill their freezers with high grade organic meat.
NRO Trophy Fly-Out Hunt
Your week-long hunt focuses on trophy moose. To begin, we fly you via helicopter to one of our spike camps. Once there, you will be greeted by your guide, who is assigned to you for your entire week of hunting. These hunts are more physically demanding in nature. .
The flyout option is tailored to those selective hunters that are looking to harvest a Trophy Eastern Canadian Moose. Our spike camps are considered "5-star". Most locations feature wooden platforms with 5-foot hardwalls, custom vinyl tents, generated electricity, wood/oil stoves, bunks, mattresses, hot water on demand and shower facilities. Our food gets rave reviews and many clients say they return home heavier than when they arrived!
Your comfort and safety, even in the backcountry, are of utmost importance to us.
General Info: This is a spot-and-stalk-style hunt for moose in Newfoundland. Terrain ranges from sea level to 1,600 feet, and can be difficult in the “Newfoundland bog,” so make sure to get some walking exercise in before you arrive for your hunt.- Sleeping bag - lightweight down or synthetic warmth factor to 0 degrees
- Duffle bag for taking your gear on the helicopter - we require you to transfer your gear to a soft-shell duffle prior to boarding the helicopter
- Thermal underwear -- 2 pairs at least
- Warm socks
- Cabelas Windshear Fatigue Sweater - or similar
- Warm hat with earflaps
- Gloves -- insulated and waterproof
- Good rain gear -- jacket, pants (Helly Hansen Impertech II is excellent)
- Cabelas Extreme Weather MT-050 7-1 Parka
- Two pairs of pants or bibs; (wool and\or fleece) - Cabelas Windshear lining is preferred
- Warm, waterproof leather boots* with good ankle support (Cabelas Perfekt Hunters by Meindl - 10" 400 gr are excellent for this hunt)
- Gortex knee high gaitors
- Insulated knee high rubber boots* - not hip boots (e.g. Muck Boots, Lacrosse, Schnees, etc.)
- Rifle - .300 magnum and up preferred with premium ammunition
- Camp shoes for after hours in cabins
- Binoculars
- Range finder
- Daypack or fanny pack
- Camera
- Flashlight
- Personal prescriptions, sundries, towel
- Disposable baby wipes or camp wipes for "bush baths"
- If you have a satellite telephone, bring it
- Gun case (softshell for Fly-Out Hunt)
(Note: For the Fly-Out Hunt, the maximum luggage is 50 lbs per hunter)